My name is Rachel Lynn Howe. I married my sweet husband, Zachary, 85 days ago in the Salt Lake City, Utah Temple. Yes, I know how many days it's been. Apps make life so much easier. July 26, 2013. We spent a month in California working with Zach's grandpa. It was days full of hard, tiring work going from the L.A. temple to church buildings all around Southern California to fix, clean, and install drapes. We would come home and go on bike rides, make healthy spinach-filled smoothies, and watch LOST. That was a special time in our marriage for a lot of reasons, but mostly it was just special because I got to be with Zach all of the time and I wasn't used to this.
After that adventure we moved to Idaho to finish our last semester at BYU-Idaho. It's been a long time coming (especially for Zach...wink), but we can't believe that we're at the last leg of our experience here in Idaho. It's so beautiful here and we are so blessed to be close to some family and friends. My sister-in-law Katie and her cute little family lives here in Rexburg so we get to see them a lot! We're only 3 hours away from the majority of my family in good old Farmington, Utah too. We're going to see them next weekend (Hoooray!).
We have our very own apartment together and it's so fun coming home to my handsome husband. We're trying to take advantage of our short time left here in Rexburg, so amidst the homework we are fitting in little adventures here and there. I'll try to post adventure tales as they come, but we rode my dad's dirt bikes that he so kindly let us bring up here a few weeks ago. That was fun. We hiked Lower Mesa Falls. That was so beautiful. We ran a relay starting at the Rexburg Temple and ended at the Idaho Falls Temple. We have created our Halloween costumes, carved pumpkins, and watched a pluthera of scary movies. I wish I could remember all of our adventures. This blog will help me do that very thing.
Anyway, that is all for this blog post. Zachary is my world and I love him with all my heart. This is my favorite picture of us on our wedding day. I love this man.