Monday, August 18, 2014

Goodbye Comfort Zone!

If you're like me, then you are anxious to try all sorts of new things,
but there seems to not be enough hours in the day or you're a little nervous to.

It might be to finally learn to speak a foreign language, to play that instrument you've always wanted to play, to sew your first project, or to pick up a new sport. 
Whatever it is, you've been putting it off.

Today is the day to try something new!

Start with one thing at a time and give it your best effort!
Don't give up after the first try. What would have happened if we gave up the first time we fell down after taking our first baby steps? 
Be persistent and be patient.

Last week I tried something new. It was scary and completely out of my comfort zone,
but I did it.

I sang in front of a group of people. 
Family, friends, and some people I didn't even know.
I sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and my wonderful husband accompanied me with his guitar.

Now, you have to know that I don't sing in front of people. I sing in the shower, the car, and at church, but I have always been hesitant to sing in front of others.

Last week I wanted to change that. 
I am not a fantastic singer, but God has blessed me with a talent to sing on key, and the only way to help that talent grow is to use it and share it for good.

I promised myself that I would go through with this, so the practicing began.
I would practice any chance that I got and I began to be excited to sing in front of others.

Me? Excited to sing a solo? What?

But I was and so I kept practicing and practicing.
The moment of truth finally came and I was nervous. 
I said my millionth prayer that I wouldn't have a shakey body or a shakey voice....
...and I didn't have either one. 

I had complete faith in my prayer to Heavenly Father. 
That He would help me as I shared my small talent, and He did.

Like I said before: today is the day to try something new.
Just do it! Thank you Nike.

Surround yourself with people who encourage you to try new things and to develop your talents that God has blessed you with!

I am so grateful for my family and friends who support me in trying new things. 
Especially my husband, Zach.

He has always told me that I have a beautiful voice. He has stretched me and made me better. When I was shy about singing he was there to cheer me on.

It's time to push yourself out of your comfort zone! 

Try something new!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Learning From Trials

Being away from my husband has been no less than difficult. But...difficult situations allow growth to take place, and I feel I have grown so much over these past 4 months of living apart from Zach (only 2 more weeks to go!! Hallelujah!). 

I've learned more about who I am. With God's strength I am strong, but alone I am nothing. God is everything and if I don't seek Him out daily, then I will not be as successful as I could be. When I seek Him out He blesses me with success in relationships, school, teaching, feeling the spirit, feeling happy, and all aspects of life.

I have also learned that you can choose happiness no matter what situation you are in. Even though I miss Zach so much and I just want to be with him I still try my best to look for the good in each and every day; and I find it. I choose to be happy even though I miss my family and friends too. I focus on the people around me as I am also staying in contact with those family members and friends that I miss. 

Another precious thing I have learned is that my love for Zach is eternal. That special day in July when we kneeled across the altar from each other was more than just an agreement. It was a promise to God and to each other that we will always be faithful. For eternity. It's not a fickle love. It's not a temporary love that will one day fade away. It's alive, it's real, and it's vibrant. My love for Zach is this way because of both of our love that we have for the Savior, Jesus Christ. We both have personal relationships with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father, and because of that we are blessed to love each other with a Christlike love.

Our love isn't perfect, yet, but because we have faith in God we have faith in each other, and because we have faith in each other we knew that living apart for 4 months would only cause us to grow closer and stronger. No, it hasn't been easy, but I chose to have God in my life every day and that is what has gotten me through. I chose to be happy when I could have chosen to be miserable and lay curled up in a ball on my bed all day (although it did cross my mind a few times). I chose to remember and love my husband each day and to be that happy woman that he chose to marry.

So many people have been through SO much more difficult situations and have made it through victorious. I look up to and admire those people so much and I love hearing their stories. They're inspiring. Everyone faces different difficulties and challenges in their lives. It's their choice though, in the end, that causes them to either be swallowed up in their misery or to be set free by their happiness.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Celebrating My Grandma's Life.

My grandma and grandpa on their wedding day.

Henrietta Marie McGinn Foster

Growing up, I remember visiting Grandma Foster in Salt Lake.
We would play with her dog Scotty a lot, we had Easter Egg Hunts in her yard, and she'd always be willing to give us all the Vaseline we needed, haha.

She was always extremely loving and had a good sense of humor.
Even up to the day my grandma left this world she would always have a big smile on her face when we came to visit her. When life wasn't the best for her she still found things to smile and laugh about.

I love how she would always pat my hand and call me honey with her English accent.
I love how she would genuinely call every one of us handsome or beautiful. 
She would talk about family history work and how important it is. 
She would talk about her decision to be baptized and how it was the best decision she's ever made.
She would talk about Heaven and how excited she was to see her husband.

Now she's with him. Now she's with her daughter. Now she's with her maker.

Grandma Foster was and is an amazing and strong woman.
I am so blessed that I had my sweet grandma in my life and that I will have her in my life again in the eternities.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mustering the Courage


She is my 70 year old friend that is moving out of my apartment complex in three days. 
She kindly let me borrow her dolly to move boxes when we moved in.
After that I had seen her around the complex walking her two dogs.
We would stop and chat about our day and I would pet her dogs.
In a place full of unfamiliar faces I would always hope she would walk by.

A little while ago I had the feeling to share my beliefs with her.
I had the feeling to share the happiness I have that comes from believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
But how would I do it?
Give her a Book of Mormon? Invite her to church? 
I knew she liked rocks so maybe I could bring up the gospel that way?
Maybe I could read part of a talk from an apostle that makes a connection with rocks.
Something with rocks?

I knew I had to do something, but I was nervous.
Nervous because I've never done something like this before, and nervous of rejection.
Then my thoughts changed.
She can reject my message. She can think I'm a fool. But I was going to listen to the prompting that I got to share my happiness with her.

Today is the day.
I pray for guidance.
I read church talks.
...I make cookies.
There's no way she'll reject me if I have cookies.
I print out a cute quote and a short passage of a talk.
I'm ready.
Deep breath.

She opens the door with a smile and we chat.
I tell her I've been thinking of her and that I'm going to miss my friend when she moves.
I tell her I read a talk written by an apostle of my church and I asked if I could share it with her.

Are you mormon?
There seems to be a lot of you moving in around here.
Yeah, there's a lot of us (nervously).
Well, I have direct line to my divine being. I don't need to go through any church. My duty for this life is to find energy areas and where I'm moving is full of them (continues matter of factly with confidence).
Interesting. Does that have to do with all of the rocks you collect?
Yes, in a matter of fact it does. That is also why I changed my name (proceeds to tell me her full name that I didn't catch because I have never heard any of those names before).
They are all names of archangels. Changing my name legally helps me be more in tune.

She talks more about her beliefs.
We say our goodbyes.
I give her the talk and the quote...and of course the cookies.
I remind her one last time that I just wanted to stop by to let her know that she is loved and I'll miss her.
She gives me a hug and it's finished.

Did I do anything?
Did I make any difference?
Will she ever come to find the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

In the end, it seems like the prompting I received was to help me all along.
I was blessed to testify of what I believe in.
I was blessed to hear her so confidently state what she believed it without even a flinch.
I want to be more like my friend Shekinah.
Not just because she loves rocks, but because she is not afraid to share what she believes in.

Today I followed a prompting from the Holy Ghost.
And I grew.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Don't You Quit

I have always loved taking the time to watch Mormon Messages because they uplift and give hope when you might not have been feeling it before.

This video: Good Things to Come is one of my favorites. Go ahead, watch it. Love it and love Elder Holland.

There are times of discouragement in everyone's life, but we must all take comfort in the words "There is help and happiness ahead".

I am doing my student teaching right now at Zaharis Elementary School in Mesa, AZ. I am showered with love from my students and my mentor is talented, helpful, funny, and kind. I feel so blessed to be at such an amazing school full of teachers and a principal that loves learning and loves kids. I am learning so much and am having such a great time, but like I said, there are times of discouragement in everyone's life.

There have been times when I have questioned my career choice, questioned why I got the answer from Heavenly Father that being an Elementary School teacher would be a great choice for me, and questioned if I have what it takes to teach little kids. I have had my days when I have gone home in tears from the stress, hard work, and mistakes I have made while teaching. Some days I am tempted to get swallowed up in my discouragement, but the words "Don't you quit" come into my mind and I try my best to change my attitude to a positive one. I think about what went wrong and how I can learn from it. I tell myself that I can't give up and I can't let these things get me down. I have to get back up and try again. I have to keep walking and keep pushing. I have to turn on the radio and listen to pump up music (Thank you Katy Perry, for your song Roar, it has never failed to make me feel like I can do anything) and tell myself that if I just keep on going and keep on learning from my mistakes that tomorrow will be a better day.

We were not put on this earth to be sad or to feel hopeless. God put us on this earth so that we could have joy and find hope through Him. He put us here together so that we could have people who love and support us. He sent us here with a plan. He sent us here with a purpose. He will watch over us and if we keep walking and keep trying He will bless us for our diligence and perseverance. He will be there to help us and show us the light.

We are all given trials to help us grow. During these trials is when we figure out who we really are. What is really important to us. We find out that our attitude about life is our choice. Do we seek out storms or look more to the sun? This video is a sweet reminder that during those times of feeling lost, helpless, and discouraged there is hope. We must never give up or quit walking. God is on our side and He wants us to succeed. You better believe that He has a plan for how we will overcome our trials. You better believe He has happiness in our future. Even during the hard times when you feel like you can't go any further....He even has happiness there for you too. We just need to look for it.