This video: Good Things to Come is one of my favorites. Go ahead, watch it. Love it and love Elder Holland.
There are times of discouragement in everyone's life, but we must all take comfort in the words "There is help and happiness ahead".
I am doing my student teaching right now at Zaharis Elementary School in Mesa, AZ. I am showered with love from my students and my mentor is talented, helpful, funny, and kind. I feel so blessed to be at such an amazing school full of teachers and a principal that loves learning and loves kids. I am learning so much and am having such a great time, but like I said, there are times of discouragement in everyone's life.
There have been times when I have questioned my career choice, questioned why I got the answer from Heavenly Father that being an Elementary School teacher would be a great choice for me, and questioned if I have what it takes to teach little kids. I have had my days when I have gone home in tears from the stress, hard work, and mistakes I have made while teaching. Some days I am tempted to get swallowed up in my discouragement, but the words "Don't you quit" come into my mind and I try my best to change my attitude to a positive one. I think about what went wrong and how I can learn from it. I tell myself that I can't give up and I can't let these things get me down. I have to get back up and try again. I have to keep walking and keep pushing. I have to turn on the radio and listen to pump up music (Thank you Katy Perry, for your song Roar, it has never failed to make me feel like I can do anything) and tell myself that if I just keep on going and keep on learning from my mistakes that tomorrow will be a better day.
We were not put on this earth to be sad or to feel hopeless. God put us on this earth so that we could have joy and find hope through Him. He put us here together so that we could have people who love and support us. He sent us here with a plan. He sent us here with a purpose. He will watch over us and if we keep walking and keep trying He will bless us for our diligence and perseverance. He will be there to help us and show us the light.

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