Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Heavenly Father Sees Us in Terms of Forever

My heart is so full of love for the Savior. He lived His entire life on Earth for us. Not at all for Himself. He suffered for us. He died for us. He did this so that our imperfect selves could be forgiven, so that we could try better every day, so that we could feel peace.

I am so grateful for Heavenly Father and for His selflessness in giving the Savior to us so that we could be full of pure joy. I know it wasn't easy for Heavenly Father so see awful things happen to His only begotten son. I also know it wasn't easy for Jesus Christ to go through all of the pain and anguish that He did. But the moment we realize that these momentous acts were done for us, and would still be done if it was only for any one person on the Earth....the moment we realize that, is the moment that we should know that we are so perfectly loved. This knowledge makes me want to give my life to them. To do everything in my power to repay them.

I am no where close to perfect, but I do want to give Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ everything. I know that sometimes it is hard to put them first in everything that I do, but the more love I have for them the easier it will be.

I am so grateful for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love for me. I am so grateful that they are patient with me and that "Heavenly Father sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming".

We can't look at our lives in terms of what we haven't accomplished or what we aren't. We need to see ourselves and our loved ones in terms of forever, and see what we have accomplished and all that we are. We need to see ourselves and others as the Gods and Goddesses that we WILL become. 

Hallow's Eve

Our first Halloween as a married couple was a success!
My class was cancelled for the day so I got up and started cooking Halloween themed food!
 I like the idea of decking out our apt. with decorations as well as making delicious Halloween themed meals. This is difficult when you only have a few decorations from the dollar store...but we made it work. #youngmarriedcoupleproblems
My mom would always use her creative juices to make Halloween food to celebrate Halloween so I followed this tradition and started making mummies and fingers (with breadstick dough and little pieces of tomatoes), hot chocolate with floating eyeballs (one m&m shoved in each marshmallow), and just your average taco soup (soooo gooood). I was proud of myself.
I went over to my sister-in-law Katie's house to sew my costume together. I'm not much of a seamstress, so Katie mostly took the reins. Thank goodness for her sewing skills! After my costume was complete, Zach and I were ready to trick or treat with the nieces and nephew!
It was really cold and a little rainy, so we didn't trick or treat for long, but it was so fun being with them. Another one of my sister-in-laws, Geri, and her two kids had come to Idaho to be here for when Katie had her little baby Matthew, so our trick-or-treating crew was quite large and full of love.

Henry isn't in this picture but he was a cute chunky cow. Left to right: Mallory, Lily, Kaylee, Riley, and Makenzie.

After spending quality time with family, Zach and I had a friend Halloween party with the Quigley's and cousin Quigley's! I felt so blessed this Halloween. I just stopped and felt how truly happy I was and I loved that feeling. I love that my family and my friends give me that feeling of joy. I can't wait until Thanksgiving!
By the way, Zach and I were Ben Franky and his trusted kite. It was so much fun!