Monday, August 18, 2014

Goodbye Comfort Zone!

If you're like me, then you are anxious to try all sorts of new things,
but there seems to not be enough hours in the day or you're a little nervous to.

It might be to finally learn to speak a foreign language, to play that instrument you've always wanted to play, to sew your first project, or to pick up a new sport. 
Whatever it is, you've been putting it off.

Today is the day to try something new!

Start with one thing at a time and give it your best effort!
Don't give up after the first try. What would have happened if we gave up the first time we fell down after taking our first baby steps? 
Be persistent and be patient.

Last week I tried something new. It was scary and completely out of my comfort zone,
but I did it.

I sang in front of a group of people. 
Family, friends, and some people I didn't even know.
I sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and my wonderful husband accompanied me with his guitar.

Now, you have to know that I don't sing in front of people. I sing in the shower, the car, and at church, but I have always been hesitant to sing in front of others.

Last week I wanted to change that. 
I am not a fantastic singer, but God has blessed me with a talent to sing on key, and the only way to help that talent grow is to use it and share it for good.

I promised myself that I would go through with this, so the practicing began.
I would practice any chance that I got and I began to be excited to sing in front of others.

Me? Excited to sing a solo? What?

But I was and so I kept practicing and practicing.
The moment of truth finally came and I was nervous. 
I said my millionth prayer that I wouldn't have a shakey body or a shakey voice....
...and I didn't have either one. 

I had complete faith in my prayer to Heavenly Father. 
That He would help me as I shared my small talent, and He did.

Like I said before: today is the day to try something new.
Just do it! Thank you Nike.

Surround yourself with people who encourage you to try new things and to develop your talents that God has blessed you with!

I am so grateful for my family and friends who support me in trying new things. 
Especially my husband, Zach.

He has always told me that I have a beautiful voice. He has stretched me and made me better. When I was shy about singing he was there to cheer me on.

It's time to push yourself out of your comfort zone! 

Try something new!