Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Process of Becoming

When I think about creating art I sometimes feel like I need some glorious end product to present. Perfect, flawless....
I've never achieved that and won't in this life, so why do I put that kind of pressure on myself? In art and in life?
It's important to have good, lofty goals, but if we focus too much on the end result we may give up before we even begin. We feel daunted by the large task of being or creating perfection that we fail to see the perfect moments of progress and the small victories of giving time to ourselves to better ourselves.
The process of becoming is a beautiful thing that shapes us into who we are. The journey is the whole reason we got to our destination. So why not focus more on that? Celebrating our successes of learning something new or overcoming a bad habit, rather than beating ourselves up because we don't think we're as good as this person or as talented as that person or as good looking as those people.
Our journey is our own. We become better versions of ourselves throughout our lives. We are unique and special, and God loves us just the way we are. 
You cannot put yourself beyond the reach of His love.
That makes me continue on in my mistakes and my faults, because I know that I'm loved and nothing I do (for better or worse) can change that amount of love that He has for me.

So go easy on yourself. Have parties for your small achievements. Remember where you've been and where you are now.
It's the process of becoming that determines who we are, and it's healthy to show others our beautifully messy journey through life.