Sunday, April 13, 2014

Learning From Trials

Being away from my husband has been no less than difficult. But...difficult situations allow growth to take place, and I feel I have grown so much over these past 4 months of living apart from Zach (only 2 more weeks to go!! Hallelujah!). 

I've learned more about who I am. With God's strength I am strong, but alone I am nothing. God is everything and if I don't seek Him out daily, then I will not be as successful as I could be. When I seek Him out He blesses me with success in relationships, school, teaching, feeling the spirit, feeling happy, and all aspects of life.

I have also learned that you can choose happiness no matter what situation you are in. Even though I miss Zach so much and I just want to be with him I still try my best to look for the good in each and every day; and I find it. I choose to be happy even though I miss my family and friends too. I focus on the people around me as I am also staying in contact with those family members and friends that I miss. 

Another precious thing I have learned is that my love for Zach is eternal. That special day in July when we kneeled across the altar from each other was more than just an agreement. It was a promise to God and to each other that we will always be faithful. For eternity. It's not a fickle love. It's not a temporary love that will one day fade away. It's alive, it's real, and it's vibrant. My love for Zach is this way because of both of our love that we have for the Savior, Jesus Christ. We both have personal relationships with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father, and because of that we are blessed to love each other with a Christlike love.

Our love isn't perfect, yet, but because we have faith in God we have faith in each other, and because we have faith in each other we knew that living apart for 4 months would only cause us to grow closer and stronger. No, it hasn't been easy, but I chose to have God in my life every day and that is what has gotten me through. I chose to be happy when I could have chosen to be miserable and lay curled up in a ball on my bed all day (although it did cross my mind a few times). I chose to remember and love my husband each day and to be that happy woman that he chose to marry.

So many people have been through SO much more difficult situations and have made it through victorious. I look up to and admire those people so much and I love hearing their stories. They're inspiring. Everyone faces different difficulties and challenges in their lives. It's their choice though, in the end, that causes them to either be swallowed up in their misery or to be set free by their happiness.